Så er det endnu engang blevet tid til at åbne op for SPOL Op's eget Bøfhus, det eneste sted hvor du kan være garanteret at få serveret de absolut største bøffer i hip hop historien. I denne omgang rykker vi vestpå, og præsenterer en af de knap så eksponeret konflikter i hip hop land.

Ligesom ved så mange andre tilfælde, kan katalysatoren for bøf, som oftest virke banal eller uden reel merit. Og hvad der med udfra lyttende ører, blot virker som en generel reference, kan hurtig blive drejet til det vildeste diss, hvis blot man har den "rigtige" indgangsvinkel. Derfor er det altid rart at have lidt baggrundsviden, samt nogle generelle overvejelser med, når man skal til at nedbryde bøffen. Her er der i hvert fald to vigtige faktorer, som man skal have med, hvis man skal til at kigge lidt nærmere på konflikten.

1) Både MC Eiht og DJ Quik var (er) såkaldt "gang affiliated", hvor DJ Quik er en del af Bloods i form af Tree Top Piru's, er MC Eiht derimod affileret med Crips, og deres Tragnview Park Compton Crips. Man behøver ikke at have set særlig mange hood film, for at kende forholdet mellem Bloods og Crips, i særdeleshed igennem firserne og op til midt-halvfemserne. Derudover er det interessant at notere, at netop Piru'erne bliver anset som de oprindelige Bloods, idet det var dem som oprindeligt brød med Crips, for at danne deres egen rivaliserende bande.

2) Begge MC'er var på daværende tidspunkt "up-and-coming" artister fra Compton, hvor Quik med raketfart var ved at opbygge sig et navn gennem mixtapes, var MC Eiht og C.M.W. bevægelsen ved at sætte ind, og de to kunstnere konkurrerede om anden pladsen i Compton, som N.W.A. havde et jernfast greb om.

Det er da også på et af Quik's førnævnte mixtapes, at man skal finde katalysatoren til konflikten, hvor én enkelt linje, starter en næsten 10 år lang rap bøf.

DJ Quik (Real Doe - The Red Tape)
"I'm on my way, to the top of the tree, for "C.M.W." see... It's me"

Ovennævnte, som indeholder en klar reference til Comptons Most Wanted (C.M.W.), er måske et af de mere tvivlsomme disses i hip hop land, hovedsageligt fordi Quik, på et senere tidspunkt (som vi vender tilbage til) erklærer at ovenstående blot var en hyldest, som anerkendte C.M.W.'s plads blandt toppen, som Quik derved også stilede efter.

MC Eiht derimod tog sit crews navns nævnelse som et direkte angreb, og selvom han ikke umiddelbart har klargjort hvorfor, har jeg i hvert fald et par teorier om hvorfor det i særdeleshed kunne pisse ham godt og grundigt af.

1) Eiht var kendt Crip, og ovennævnte nummer kom fra en kendt Piru, som endda udsendte nummeret på et mixtape kaldet "The Red Tape". Farven rød = Blood.

2) Quik's set hed Tree Top Piru's og linjen "To the Top of the Tree, for C.M.W." kunne tydes, som om han gik mod toppen af Tree Top ved at tage C.M.W. ud.

og sidst men ikke mindst,

3) Eiht følte sig ganske enkelt truet af en ung "rising star", som på rekord tid var på alles læber hvad angik vestkysten (i særdeleshed Compton), og så sit snit til at miskreditere ham, før han fik sit endelige gennembrud.

Uanset hvilke årsager som måtte ligge bag Quik's reference, havde Eiht ikke tænkt sig at lade tvivlen komme ham til gode. Og da C.M.W udsender deres debut "It's A Compton Thang", med et helt track tilegnet DJ Quik, står det i hvert fald klart hvordan Eiht og co. har tolket referencen.

Compton's Most Wanted (Duck Sick - It's A Compton Thang)
MC Eiht "How you diss C.M.W, boy, you ain't said shit
Your senses should tell ya: kick it, don't be a hero
Equipped to whip is Eiht, unlike a zero
I gotta hitcha, or get witcha
Sit down, clown, I commence to paint a picture
Hm, it's kinda funny, but yet somewhat amazing
Take you serious? I think about it while I'm blazing
Only then will my reaction show
How I chill and let my tempo flow
Too sorry is the name for your rap
No competition, dissin, boy, you need to be slapped
Eiht ain't no punk, so learn it "Quik"
Oh yes, p.s., C.M.W., and you can get my duck sick
Tha Chill "I don't believe it, how the hell'd you get on wax?
Makin demos on your tape deck tracks
You did a show, and I heard it was wack
You tossed our records, think I tossed right back
You got the nerve, tryin to go down like a trooper
In better words, you go down like King Cooper
So stop your little dissing, saying that I can't handle
I put your lights out, you have to rap by a candle
Go head up punk, or sell out, I know you must've
Heard the word, new jack, I'm not a buster
Always down to bust a record, a party, know what I mean?
But unlike yourself, sucker, I do it for cream
So period, end of story, don't even bore
Me, Tha Chill MC, claim to gory
So that's it, the Eiht and Chill is the shit
(Chill) Word, and you can get the duck sick"
MC Eiht "Wait a minute, hold up, punk, I know you're kiddin
Sayin E can't hang, you're bullshittin
I'm not a rookie, meaning a beginner
If fakin was a sin, you'd be a sinner
Load up my mic and gat, start gunnin
Fresh off the Compton streets, so start runnin
You come across like a two-bit sucker
Tryin to compare with a hard mutphafucka
Punk, they call me Eiht, so give me respect
I heard you did a show on your Mom's tape deck
Fool, you fucked up smooth tryin to diss
A victim of a violent crime on the list
So wake up and smell the bud', you little pupils
Tryin to go head up, punk, you got no scruples
Conflict you pick, you're sick
You can't fade us, but yo, you can get the E's duck sick"

Selvom tracket ikke direkte nævner Quik, kan der ikke være nogen tvivl om hvem tracket er rettet imod. Men hvor C.M.W. går til direkte angreb, forsøger Quik sig med en anden strategi, han tier det simpelthen ihjel - eller forsøger på det, og hans debut "Quik Is The Name" er strippet for C.M.W. eller MC Eiht referencer.

Eiht har dog ikke tænkt sig at lade Quik slippe så nemt, og så snart chancen byder sig, er han klar med hvad der senere bliver en regulær serie af disses rettet med sin nemesis. Selvom hele tracket i princippet er rettet mod Quik, er det i særdeleshed under andet vers, at Eiht lufter sin frustration omkring Quik.

Compton's Most Wanted (Def Wish - Straight Check'N Em)
"It's the Eiht double M and I'll keep sticking
All that pay back shit is in effect
Cause I'm the type a brother who'll blast your ass, check
So if your biting my lyrics, then fool you'll pay
As you commence to say em you'll get tooth decay
So give up to the Compton psycho,
Biting me "Quik" will mean you get the duck sick "Quik"
Not a funny man, but still I gives surprises
Lyrics are deadly plagues, the death toll rises
So now your shit outta luck with your rhyme scheme
And now I hunt your punk ass in your bad dreams.
Another victory on my list
One more punk ass fool with a def wish"

Hvor det oprindeligt var den enkelte C.M.W. reference som var i fokus, er Eiht denne gang langt mere optaget af Quik's stil, som han mener er stærkt inspireret af ham selv, og forsøger derved at tegne Quik som en faker og en biter.

Om det var disse beskyldninger som fik Quik til at reagere, eller det blot var almen konkurrence mentalitet, er ikke til at vide. Men på sit andet album "Way 2 Fonky" tager han i hvert fald til genmæle

DJ Quik (Way 2 Fonky - Way 2 Fonky)
"And to you motherfuckers thinkin you wanna fade me?
I'm runnin the underground, so fool, you're crazy
And you better step, 'fore I beat you with a switch
and tie you up, and make you watch, while I'm fuckin yo' bitch
Cause I'm a low-pro nigga that you should not fol-low
Puttin suckaz in the wind cause my voice is hol-low
Put the pistol to your grill and your punk ass rolls
You grab my shit and I pull the trigger now you're missin a nose
and umm, I don't fear your crew because my back is got
But to you suckaz in my city claimin I got a "Def Wish"
You should try again fool, you ain't hittin near this
Them wack ass tracks, make you sound like a monkey
Just a shot in the dark, from a punk-ass mark who ain't Fonky"

Og hvis man skulle være i tvivl
DJ Quik (The Last Word - Way 2 Fonky)
"I wanna thank my motherfuckin' family, and ALL the rappers from Compton except one,
a no rappin'-monkeyface-one hit havin' ass-simpleminded punk motherfuckin' ass nigga from C.M.W., yeah you punk bitch"

Ikke alene var Quik en langt mere eksponeret kunstner end Eiht og hele C..M.W. samlet, men hans respons var også af en langt større skala end Eiht. Som titel nummer, første single og med dertilhørende video, var "Way 2 Fonky" noget af et slag i ansigtet på Eiht, hvilket også kan tydes på den efterfølgende tid, som tæller hele 4 numre rettet mod Quik over en to årig periode - noget af en bedrift, hvis man kan formå at tænke ud over de dag-til-dag Internet disses der bliver slynget ud nu om dage.

På C.M.W.'s "Music To Driveby" fortsætter Eiht i samme "gamle" rille, med henholdsvis "Duck Sick II" og "Def Wish II". Selvom der ikke umiddelbart bliver tilført noget nyt til bøffen, tager Eiht den dog lidt længere og lader sig inspirere af Quik, idet "Def Wish II" får sin egen video.

Ud over at videoens mørke baggårds-brand-trappe scenarie, er magen til det man finder i Quik's "Way 2 Fonky" video. Så afbilder videoen også Quik, som har marreridt om Eiht og hans crew, og i sidste ende bliver dræbt.

Compton's Most Wanted (Def Wish II - Music To Driveby)

Nummeret bliver et kæmpe undergrundshit, og ender da også med at stå, som en af de stærkeste skæringer i bøffen. Eiht er dog ikke færdig, og skridtet fra gruppemedlem til solist, tager ikke kampgejsten fra Eiht, som hurtig står klar med sit første solo album "We Come Strapped".

Derpå fortsætter han serien af "Def Wish" tracks, og gør det til en trilogi. Selvom tredje del af "Def Wish" serien, endnu engang ikke bringer noget nyt til bordet, er det interessant at notere hvordan Eiht's stil bevæger sig væk fra den meget tunge hardcore dystre lyd han havde været kendetegnet ved, og over i et mere funky og rent ud sagt DJ Quik inspireret lydbillede.

De mange tracks går dog ikke ubemærket hen over Quik, og efter en 3 årig hiatus, hvor Eiht har haft frit slag, er Quik mere end parat til at lukke bøffen ned én gang for alle. Som in-house artist på Death Row, og med udsendelsen af "Murder Was The Case" soundtracket, griber Quik muligheden og indspiller "Dollaz + Sense" til albummet. Nummeret dukker desuden op på hans efterfølgende solo album "Safe + Sound"

DJ Quik (Dollaz + Sense - Safe + Sound)
"Mmm, Now let's get down to business, bitches
Cause it seems like y'all just keep on tryin to diss this
Nigga that you know that's been down for years
I've clowned for years, and y'all could never fade my peers
One two three four five six seven
Nine, ten, Eiht you can't win
Cause all the way around nigga I gets respect
and you'se a nigga that can't even get no props in your set
Tragniew Park you say huh
Wanna be rippin, but now it's time to do some set trippin
So listen close, cause I don't want y'all to miss
That I'm bout to break it down for this bitch, check it
Acacia, Poplar Maple Spruce Cedar Elm
Westside trees sprayin all the fleas
that's from the three and four hundred block P-Funk riders
(So niggaz watch yo' ass at that center divider *gun blast*)
Now Aaron Tyler, tell my why you seem so tame
When I caught you at the airport, shakin like a crap game
You looked up and you seen my niggaz comin
And you looked like your bitch ass was bout to start runnin
But all I wanted to do was kick a little coversation (yo whatup)
And see if we can fix this little situation
But would I fuck you up was what you wondered
Yeah, that's probably why you changed your little pager number (punk ass
But bitches like you don't grow
You can't even look me in my eye, let alone go toe to toe
And callin me skinny, you'se a clown
I'ma call you Theo, cause you weigh ninety-two point three pounds
Wack ass actor, movie script killer
Fool don't you know, Quik is still the nigga
Compton psycho, boy you oughta quit
Your records don't hit, and bitches don't jock your shit
You need to stay down you Compton clown
and get off of the nuts of the niggaz with guts
Because I'm down with the Trees, I'm down with Death Row
I'm down with Black Tone, and I'm down with the fo'
So when we cross paths and I hope that's soon
I'ma boot your motherfuckin ass to the moon
You need to quit bangin under false pretense
Cause if don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't knock it til you try it, cause Eiht he tried to knock it
But he's still walkin round with my nuts in his pocket (beyotch)
So put tha P in it represent and sip that Miller
And for those of y'all concerned, this is still Eiht Killa *gun blast*
Let me take a load off my scrotum little pest
If it don't make dollers nigga, you know the rest
Now I done sold my fuckin soul to the shit that I kick
While you groupie ass niggaz keep on ridin the dick
You oughta know that DJ Quik ain't your average everyday motherfucker
(hah) Slick like a snake cause I stuck ya
Now, I never had my dick sucked by a man befo'
But you gon be the first you little trick ass hoe
Then you can tell me just how it taste
But before I nut I shoot some piss in your face
you fuckin coward, tremblin like a nervous wreck
Cause when I caught your ass, you put yourself in check
And when you left my presence, you left expedient
You ain't no fuckin killer, youse a comedian, beyotch
Tell me why you act so scary
Givin your set a bad name wit your misspelled name
E-I-H-T, now should I continue
Yeah you left out the G cause the G ain't in you
Remember that time you was rollin on the Westside
And a little brown bucket pulled up on your side
Caught at that light in your Camry in the midst of a
REAL killer, tell me did you feel a little nervous (hell yeah)
You was in the shadow of death
With two trey-five-sevens pointed at your chest, hmm
Whatchu gon do, where was your niggaz that kill at
You ain't got no killers so kill dat
Holdin up your hands and beggin for a pass
You lucky they didn't just to get to dumpin on yo' ass
Cause this game you think is funny is some real shit
So you need to be more careful who you fuckin wit, beyotch!"

Med "Dollaz + Sense" ændrer bøffen nærmest helt karakter, hvor den tidligere var centreret omkring overfladisk "trash-talking", gør Quik den 100% personlig og eksponere Eiht som en kryster og en "no G". Nummeret bliver af mange anset, som ét af de absolut bedste diss tracks i hele hip hop land og, som hovedårsagen for Eiht negative karriere drejning umiddelbart efter.

Men Quik er ikke tilfreds med kun ét track, og hvor "Dollaz + Sense" eksponerer Eiht, bruger han "Let You Havit", dels til at sætte en ende for bøffen én gang for alle, men også til at forklare sin side af sagen, og redegøre for den indledende reference fra "The Red Tape" tracket, som han mener var en hyldest frem for et diss.

DJ Quik (Let You Havit - Safe + Sound)
"Somebody told me that you dissed me (bitch) in your video
But I ain't trippin cause I'm knowin you ain't nothin but a silly hoe
And yeah I said your monkey ass name in my underground tape
But if you peeped game you woulda heard me say
("To the top of the tree, for C-M-W see")
We wasn't dissin lettin you know the other side was on a mission
Comin up with the Quik-ness, now you know who's dick this is
Down in the throats of the Compton's Most Bitches
So take this shit back to your set if you got one
And I'ma be puttin the double oh bugs in my shotgun
And if you come back fuckin around I'ma take your life
Why would you come back to a gunfight, with a fuckin knife?
So there it is MC Eiht, cause you're wack
And Mista Quik can beat the niggaz down with another sack
So keep on rollin in your Camry or your Rabbit but
if I catch you slippin in my hood, gotta let you havit"

Eiht derimod, han er pisse ligeglad og fortsætter ufortrødent sin vendetta mod Quik, denne gang lader han sig igen inspirere af sin nemesis, og benytter ligesom Quik en noget mere personlig tilgang, i sin nu fjerde udgave af "Def Wish" serien.

MC Eiht (Def Wish IV - Death Threatz)
"I'ma tell you 'bout the time that we first met
The story that you told was some fake bullshit
It was me and Chill my pal
The scene was like the showdown at the O.K. Coral
It was you and then about five of y'all hangin
Standin in the center lookin like y'all was bangin
Ain't nuthin but marks)
Approached me with your "P" hat
But I was high off the blunt, so I didn't see that
But I'm knowin I'm a nigga you love to hate
But you grab me by my shoulder and you conversate
I shouldn't've fell for it, I should've started slappin
Your eyes always dotted, you best stick to rappin
David Blake: you fake as fuck!
I mack your ass like a muthafuckin truck
I guess that eye was too black cause you still can't see me
Servin me a drink in your khaki bikini
Oh geah, just like I said before
Ain't nuthin but the ho on my dick
Little trick named Quik
Geah, quick to get fucked one time
You better be callin one-time before I pull out my nine
And nigga, checks this
Fill your Lexus full of holes as you slam into poles
Niggas should've just told me that you was a mark and
I wouldn't've hit you up with that notorious park
(You know where we from)
Can't fade it, better fear it
Got one of your little B.G.'s to write your fuckin lyrics
Playin around with the hood you get got
Nick name should be Spot for that eye you got
You and that fake muthafucka who wrote your rap
My nigga Boom Bam gon' slap with the trey-five strap
No muthafuckin truce
Get the ass cracked over the dome with the fuckin deuce-deuce
Don't make me have to act up
Cause you's a frail muthafucka with no back up
Original bangin on wax, nigga, you fake
'member One-Time Gaffled, nationwide blue tape
Original Compton representin to the T
Givin out slugs to you fake wanna-be's
Go run right through you
And before we kill off, remember the 'niew did it to you
Slick talkin, fast walkin
Nigga, how'd you figure that the E wasn't gon' stand and deliver?
You ain't worth a penny
Never had a damn eye, dotted so many
Times, two times, three times
You fall to the floor, you don't want no mo'
And if you wanna get with this you best to dash
Geah, cause I'ma tap that ass"

Et diss fra Eiht kommer dog sjældent alene, og ligesom han gjorde det på "Music To Driveby", deler han endnu engang mikrofonen med N.O.T.R., som også slynger lidt skud efter Quik, på "Killin' Nigguz". Disse to tracks fra Eiht, repræsenterer de sidste reelle musikalske indslag i konflikten, idet bøffen tager en tragisk drejning, som få havde forudset.

Under en optræden på en lokal klub, bliver Dj Quik antastet af et Crip medlem, muligvis fra MC Eiht's set. Et slagsmål udbryder, og den pågældende person bliver banket ihjel. Denne episode sætter en brat stopper for Quik vs. Eiht bøffen, som derved ender dér.

Med tiden har der været en del forskellige syn på konflikten, hvor i særdeleshed Eiht's store mængde angreb mod Quik, er blevet opfattet som tegn på desperation og opmærksomhed. DJ Quik var uden tvivl den mest succesfulde af de to, både under og efter bøffen, og Eiht blev umiddelbart efter "Dollaz + Sense" udråbt som overordnet "taber" af battlen. Quik og Eiht repræsenterer dog samtidig hver deres stil, indenfor west coast genren, og debatter omkring battlens egentlige vinder, er stadig at finde rundt omkring i det digitale hip hop landskab.

Quik og Eiht har efterfølgende lagt bøffen bag sig, og skulle efter egne udsagn have indspillet noget materiale sammen, desværre skulle der en mands død til, før det kunne lade sig gøre. En realitet Quik er ganske bevist om.

DJ Quik (You'z A Ganxsta - Rytm-al-ism)
"Just 'cause I kick it with killers don't mean that I do it
my occupation's a musician & I'm stayin' true to it
I went from bein' a rider to bein' a provider
while I was straddlin' the fence tryin' not to hit the divider
Just an impressionable human being tryin' to do right
every now & then I get my manhood tested in fights
like I used to have a beef with this cat named Eiht
and his homies approached me at the club El Rey
What was I to do I'm on stage & I'm doin' my thang
and this nigga's out in the crowd tryin' to hoo' bang
givin' it up for his homies & set trippin' too
but he wasn't from Rollin' 60's more like Tragney
I wonder what's his problem what he tryin' to say
Is this business personal or just Fuck Quik Day?
I approached him like a man & not like a nut
he turned around & put his drink down & straight knuckled up
In the dark club punches is flyin' all around
and even though it was me & him the rumors went 'round
and said I killed somebody now how that sound
How could I stomp somebody to death that's bigger than me
and I'm just a hundred & fifty five pounds tell me
Check it out this song is dedicated to the two most prolific writers
in rap music history Tupac Shakur & the Notorious B.I.G.
It's also dedicated to the little homie from 60's
that lost his life at that party
Rest in peace y'all
And to MC Eiht when you get yo' head together maybe we can do a record
feel me I'm out"